04 September 2014

More about delicate phase relations (quotes)

In 1918 Hermann Weyl tried to reproduce electromagnetism by adding the notion of an arbitrary scale or gauge to the metric of general relativity—and noted the “gauge invariance” of his theory under simultaneous transformation of the electromagnetic potentials and multiplication of the metric by a position-dependent factor.  Following the introduction of the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics in 1926 it was almost immediately noticed that the equations for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field were invariant under gauge transformations in which the wave function was multiplied by a position-dependent phase factor.  The idea then arose that perhaps some kind of gauge invariance could also be used as the basis for formulating theories of forces other than the electromagnetism.  After a few earlier attempts, Yang-Mills theories were introduced in 1954 by extending the notion of a phase factor to an element of an arbitrary non-Abelian group.  In the 1970s the Standard Model then emerged, based entirely on such theories.  In mathematical terms, gauge theories can be viewed as describing fiber bundles in which connections between values of group elements in fibers at neighboring spacetime points are specified by gauge potentials—and curvatures correspond to gauge fields.  (General relativity is in effect a special case in which the group elements are themselves related to spacetime coordinates.)

—Stephen Wolfram, A New Kind of Science, Notes for Chapter 9, p. 1045.
. . .  The difference between a neutron and a proton is then a purely arbitrary process.  As usually conceived, however, this arbitrariness is subject to the following limitation:  once one chooses what to call a proton, what a neutron, at one space-time point, one is then not free to make any choices at other space-time points.
          It seems that this is not consistent with the localized field concept that underlies the usual physical theories.  In the present paper we wish to explore the possibility of requiring all interactions to be invariant under independent rotations of the isotopic spin at all space-time points. …

—Yang and Mills (1954).  Used as epigraph to Part III (Non-Abelian Gauge Theory and QCD) in Gauge Theories in Particle Physics:  A Practical Introduction, second edition, by Ian J. R. Aitchison and Anthony J. G. Hey.   

Isotopic spin (isospin; isobaric spin)  A quantum number applied to hadrons (see elementary particles) to distinguish between members of a set of particles that differ in their electromagnetic properties but are otherwise apparently identical.  For example if electromagnetic interactions and weak interactions are ignored, the proton cannot be distinguished from the neutron in their strong interactions:  isotopic spin was introduced to make a distinction between them.  The use of the word “spin” implies only an analogy to angular momentum, to which isotopic spin has a formal resemblance.

A Dictionary of Physics, third edition, Oxford University Press, 1996.

     The theory of the addition of quantum mechanical angular momenta has found an interesting application in the study of strongly interacting particles.  Basically the proton and neutron are very similar particles.  Their masses are nearly equal, they each have spin ½, and when interacting with themselves or other particles via strong interactions  they behave very similarly  Of course, the one striking difference between the neutron and proton is that the proton has a charge, whereas the neutron has none.  This means that they have very different electromagnetic interactions;  e.g., an electron will be attracted to a proton but will feel rather indifferent about a neutron.  However, the strong forces are several orders of magnitude stronger, at small distances, than electromagnetic forces, and in studying such forces, one can to a first approximation neglect the electromagnetic forces.  Thus from the point of view of strong interactions, the neutron and proton are practically identical.
     In fact, one can say that the neutron and proton are the same particle—the nucleon, N—which has an internal degree of freedom which can take on two possible values—protonliness or neutronliness.  This is analogous to our thinking of a spin-up electron and a spin-down electron as being the same kind of particle—the electron—in different states of the internal degree of freedom—spin.  By analogy, one calls the internal degree of freedom of the nucleon isotopic spin, or isospin for short.  The “isospin up” state of the nucleon is the proton and the “isospin down” state is the neutron.

   —Gordon Baym, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, first two paragraphs of Chapter 16: Isotopic Spin.