12 September 2014

A few late summer 1996 journal entries

8-10-96, 6:22 p.m.  Moving day.  [From one apt. to another in San Marcos.]

To even draw a picture of the relativity of simultaneity thought experiment, you have to “postulate” a   common time, as in Brehm & Mullin Intro to Structure of Matter, p. 9: “These two coordinate systems are shown at two instants of time in Figure 1-3.”

Secondly, the simultaneity of an event—two particles passing in the night [very close to one another] and a flash of light emitted at their closest approach—with a clock reading in more than one relatively moving frame is not a relative matter anyway, so Einstein’s result is not about the existence of a common moment for observers in relative motion.

The question seems to be, then:  What is the relativity of simultaneity really about?  The answer seems to be:  Relative appearance of simultaneity for separated events as viewed by two or more observers in relative motion.  Also: relative motion means none of the observers considers himself or herself to be in motion!  If any did, you’d have runaway relativity—no times to associate uniquely with separated events.

8· 11· 96  In other words, all observers consider themselves to be at rest relative to the speed of light.  This is another way of expressing Einstein’s postulate—which is still a postulate and not an experimentally verified result—that c is a constant.*

Why is it necessary to have a reference frame?  To get unique results—a unique time associated with an event, for one thing.  Generally speaking, it’s a way of imposing order, or an organizing device, as the name implies.

8· 14· 96  :  4111 Ave. F   9 pm
W     E     D     N     E     S                  So the state of rest relative to the ether (AEther) has been
                D      A     Y                      replaced by state of rest relative to speed of light, except   that we now have 

10 am 8/15     no way of determining our velocity relative to speedolight.

9· 6· 96  (1)  Movie: opening scene, students getting off bus with drum beat soundtrack. 
               (2)  Mathematics and Ignorance.  It seems simpler to ignore most of the definitions or assumptions or “let so-and-so” statements that precede most descriptions of mathematical ideas.  But is it possible?  It seems better to introduce something using an analogy or just an example.

Function spaces, for instance.  Chapt. 15 of Speigel Catalogue—oops—I mean Schaum’s Outline on general topology says, with italics put in by me:  Let X and Y be arbitrary sets, and let f(X.Y) denote the collection of all functions from X into Y.  Any subcollection of f(X,Y) with some topology  is called a function space.”

Is called . . . ?  Hello?  Who’s there?  Hamiltonian operator?  Nope, Hilbert space operator (function space = Hilbert space).

What’s needed first is a specific example.  That’s where physics comes in handy.  I think that rules and the need for them should be introduced by trying to solve a particular problem.

*so you say; most people say it is verified