30 September 2014

Ylem, fundamental observers, cosmic time

9· 24· 96  Tuesday; 4:20 pm

Okay – as we describe it nowadays, an event is not something you (or I) can “move away from” or “move toward.”  Why not?  It happens in YOUR frame of reference.  And same for other relatively-moving observers.  

But is it necessary to think of observing this way?  Can you accelerate and leave your ref. frame stationary?  Then you’d imagine light having to catch up with you – maybe.

I’m getting sleepy. . . 

In the Einstein train-and-lightning thought experiment, the two lightning bolts leave marks on both the platform and railroad car, and it is from these marks that calculations of simultaneity (or not) are made by mid-point observers for both frames.  The other observer is always considered to be the one who is moving.  Relative simultaneity, relative length and relative time arise as a result of this distinction.

9 · 26 · 96  Thurs.  12:45 a.m.
Okay, I’m awake, with nothin’ to do.  I mean, plenty to do
                         complex analysis probs.
                         thesis work
                         write a letter or two
but nothing that I’m compelled to

It does seem like I need to write something.  Maybe just something connected to physics, maybe something more personal.  For lack of other ideas at the moment, I’ll write about Lorentz contraction and cosmic expansion.
             If one accepts redshift phenomenon as due to cosmic expansion, the very-far-away galaxies are moving away from any given observer at relativistically significant velocities.  So, does Lorentz contraction apply to the distance scales attached to the galaxies and moving past us (any observer) at the speed at which the galaxy(ies) is (are) receding?
             In other words, taking the Lorentz contraction seriously (but maybe erroneously?) means the expanding universe suddenly doesn’t seem so big.  It is contracted by its expansion!
             See Steveo Weinberg’s book.  If anybody discusses the issue, I would expect it to be him.

2:30 pm  9/26/96   Begin a novel:  Did you happen to read my previous novel?  It seems improbable since I didn’t write a previous one; thus if you have read it, please let me know as soon as possible.
                (An early morning thought, expressed in the afternoon, and missing some of the truthful oddness I felt in it this morning.)

Photo and caption are from Genesis of the Big Bang (2001) by Ralph Alpher & Robert Herman.

9 · 28 · 96  Saturday 1:40 pm   I should do a search for different ideas in the literature about what the Lorentz contraction actually means.
                       In the meantime though, I just opened Cosmological Constants and started reading Alpher & Herman’s paper (p. 117) which mentions in its abstract determining “the time dependence of proper distance.”
                     So I’ll read that first and get back with y’all later about the Lorentz contraction thing.  (I’m in the back room at 4111 Avenue F, where most of my books are.)  This is just a note (at this point) to add:  ylem!   I’d heard of it in some Gamow book, but never have seen it in a research publication until now, in the Alpher & Herman paper “Remarks on the Evolution of the Expanding Universe”:    "According to this theory the ylem (the primordial substance from which the elements were formed) consists of neutrons at a high density and temperature."
                    Ylem – what the universe (and people) are made of; the matter that shrunk into little black holes (electrons).  What about protons (and neutrons, as particles)?                     

10/8/96:  If YLEM is high-density high-temp neutrons, it sounds much like a neutron star.  Which has neutrons as closely packed as they can get, doesn’t it?  (Later.)
                     It’s 4:30 p.m., a Tuesday (Belgium) at 603 Blanco San Marcos Texas USA, Earth (where?), “Sun” solar system, Galaxie 500 or Milky Way or whatever.  Somewhere in space!  HERE.  Somewhere in time!  But who believes in time anyway?  It’s an organizing principle for events.  One could choose to be disorganized and not assign times to events.  Or not assign events to times.  Is there really a history of the universe?  Sure – we created it.  Could we choose disorganization over organization in describing the universe?  Cause and effect don’t seem to allow that.
                   Anyway, I’m 42 years old.  I should get to work.  I haven’t done that except in a need-for-money fashion, part-time for the most part.  It seems to me I have a resistance to becoming an authority, among other things.  But if one keeps doing something, like physics in my case, becoming an authority is inevitable.  What I’ve always been mainly interested in is asking questions about things.  Becoming an authority is to give in to a mild form of brainwashing.  But it’s still possible to raise questions, provided seeds were planted at some time in the past, possibly.  Maybe – most of the time it seems now that I think about it – questions seem to pop out of nowhere. 
                   My question posed in this journal on p. 135 (9· 26· 96) seems to be answered by the concept of “cosmic time.”  There must be a lack of synchronization of clocks between two relatively moving observers in order for length contraction to exist (if we accept that idea, rather than the idea that it’s impossible to do a length measurement of a moving rod, which I call the Einstein length measurement problem).
                   As M.S. Longair writes in Theoretical Concepts in Physics, p. 317, “We now introduce a set of fundamental observers, defined as observers who move in such a way that the Universe appears to be isotropic to them.  Each of them has a clock and proper time measured by that clock is called cosmic time.  There are no problems of synchronisation of these clocks carried by fundamental observers because, for example, they could be told to set their clocks to the same time when the Universe has a certain density.”
                   But it sounds like too much of an idealization.  Who will tell them to set their clocks?  God?  Even if a clock is automatically set at a certain density, that means density measures time.  But I’ll accept that idea of cosmic time, for the time being.

10/9/96  8:50 pm   However, the renowned Hermann Bondi, MA, FRS, in Cosmology p. 125, says, when discussing Milne’s kinematic relativity, 

In general relativity, the equivalence of the laws of nature is postulated for all observers whatever their positions and their state of motion.  Such a formulation is clearly inappropriate in kinematic relativity.  At the stage at which the cosmological principle is required laws of nature have not been defined.  As was discussed in Chapter 1, the distinction between the actual motions and the laws of motion can hardly be drawn in cosmology, and is presumably  quite inappropriate.  The cosmo prinzip [my abbreviation] has therefore to be defined with respect to the actual aspect of the universe rather than with respect to the laws of nature.  Now a good deal is known from purely terrestrial physics about observers at the same place in different states of motion.  From this we know that although the laws of nature may be the same, the aspect of the universe will be different for observers in the same place in different states of motion.  Accordingly, it is impossible to define the cosmo prinzip  as implying that all observers, irrespective of their position and state of motion, obtain the same aspect of the universe.  It becomes necessary to select a set of ‘fundamental observers’ of whom there is always one at each point.  The cosmo prinzip, the contents of which will be discussed later, applies only to this set of observers.

          Longair makes no such distinction in calling into service the fundamental observers—he doesn’t say it is for purposes of satisfying the cosmo prinzip in kinematic relativity, just for making time defined equivalently for observers throughout the U.  Cosmic time.
        But, I see now Bondi mentions fundamental observers in other contexts.  First, particles:  “Any particle moving with the substratum is called a ‘fundamental particle’.”  Substratum = the theo. construction that implies or states that the cosmo prinzip applies in detail and not just statistically.  (See pp 65, 66.)
       Then H. B. says:  “In order to apply the cosmological principle to the construction of the substratum it is necessary to compare the physical aspect of the universe from various points in it.  For this purpose imaginary observers have to be introduced, present at all points of space-time.”  . . .
          These observers are just a way of making specific what the cosmo prinzip says:  “any observers like ourselves anywhere would obtain equivalent results from equivalent observations.”  Hoo boy – observations or measurements, or are they the same?  The same, apparently.
         An observer going by Earth at high speed is not a fundamental observer, because he or she doesn’t see (see? observe? measure?) isotropy of U.  So only observers to whom the U looks isotropic (“no first harmonic deviation from isotropy”) are fundamental observers.  Real motions are the only ones allowed, whereas in special relativity “equivalent observers means equivalent for testing the laws of motion” – all possible motions, eh?  Milne gets mentioned here (p. 67), too:

 "The precise way in which these fundamental observers are introduced varies somewhat between different theories, but their distribution and general characteristics are always the same.”  Oh, no!  It’s the consistent observer—the horror of the universe (paraphrasing Brenda Ueland)!  “An argument given by Milne which appears to be of rather restricted applicability shows that the observers must form a continuous rather than a discrete set, but in any case every current theory assumes them to form a continuous set.
   "The cosmological principle may now be stated as:  Every member of the 3-parameter set of fundamental observers obtains the same result of corresponding observations of the universe as every other member."

              My question from p. 135 herein is definitively answered by Bondi on p. 71:  “The universe itself therefore acts as a synchronizing instrument which enables A and B (and hence all observers) to synchronize their clocks.”  Also:  “Kinematic relativity also has a cosmic time, and that cosmic time can only be dispensed with in a theory which adopts the perfect cosmological principle, i.e., in the steady-state theory.”  World map and world picture are also mentioned on this page (Milne’s terms).
           And next Bondi discusses whether cosmic time actually applies to the U and not just to idealized models of it!  He says:  “This question is common to all theories other than the steady-state theory, but very little attention seems to have been paid to resolving this problem which is relevant to the logical foundations of all these theories.”

19 September 2014

Another 1996 journal entry on relative motion


If you imagine yourself moving away from an event, then you imagine that light emitted by the event takes longer to "catch up" with you.

But, in the usual interpretation of relativity, you don't do that.  You may imagine someone else "moving away from an event" but not yourself!  No way, dude.  You (I) don't move; or really:  you move, I don't, which either you or I may say, knocking the requirement of stationarity (ho ha) back and forth between us.  The problem as I see it is: okay, you want only relative motion?  Fine!  But let me move, too!

Then, time of events does not become unique to me, however.  Is not unique, that is.

17 September 2014

Universe as your mass novel, etc, from 18 yrs ago

9· 17· 96 TUES.
NSB 180  SWT
12:45  approx.

        Do our observations of an event uniquely determine the time of the event?  Yes, when we use our reference frame.  This reference frame, however, does not allow us to move!  It is permanently attached to us, and accelerates with us—with me, or you.  We carry our “space” with us.
        But that is not a necessary point of view.
     We could just as well say we have a “home base” reference system.  Then when we accelerate we keep the old coordinates as our x,y,z,t reference system.  [We accelerate relative to those unmoving coordinates.]  The big question here is: how do we then account for c = const. [constant speed of light]?
        This is the difference in the two scenarios of moving-car or moving-scenery, discussed at the end of Journal 2.
        What we can’t do under the present relativity regime is imagine light catching up with us, because we don’t ever imagine ourselves moving.  [Relative to the speed of light, all reference frames are rest frames.]
         However, we still must consider light to be catching up with something (someone!) moving “relative to us.”   Ho!  Just put yourself in that guy’s shoes!  Well, then you just see your former frame moving in opposite direction.


Laws of classical dynamics don’t change under time reversal, letting t -t, I presume because of the role of acceleration being the second time derivative of position ["x double-dot"].  But for non-constant acceleration, we have the third time derivative not identically equal to zero.  So, is the usual formulation of classical dynamics missing something that would actually make it more like “macroscopic” (irreversible) physics—such as higher order derivatives dependent on system’s degrees of freedom? 

9· 19· 96  “Universe is your mass novel” = a pre-sleep thought from 12/18/94.  Means nothing really, but look what phizzists and maths get from nothing:  all equations = 0.  So, “mass novel” could mean you (I) write meaning into mass as a writer writes a novel—from “nothing.”  OR as Bill Shakespeare said (wrote!)  “. . .  as imagination bodies forth/the forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen/turns them into shapes, and gives to airy nothing/a local habitation and a name.”
        Likewise, the maths and phizzists!


1.      Classical electron radius, and neutron/proton radius from scattering experiments (radius of charge & magnetization), are of same order of magnitude, 10-13 cm.  This “may be [of] some deep significance,” says Jackson, “but much more relavent," at present level of understanding:  the Compton wavelength of the pion, the lightest quantum of the nuclear force field, is 1.4 x 10-13 cm, and “presumably it and other hadronic lengths govern the extensions seen in electron scattering experiments.”

2.      See end of Bergmann Riddle of Gravitation book, about local space curvature and the speed of light.  OK, I saw it:  curvature of space at Earth’s surface is on the order of 108 meters, same as distance of travel of earth around sun.  Same order of magnitude anyway.  So that in itself seems to be a little coincidence, but the one I was actually thinking of is this:  accelerate an object at 9.8 m/s2 for one year and it will be traveling at speed o’ light—but it’s totally a non-relativistic calculation.  So it’s probably irrelevant.  Now, to (finally) mention what is in the Bergmann book that I was thinking of, the Schwarschild radius calculation is a relativistic calculation, but it exactly agrees with the classical calculation.  He calls it “fortuitous”.   Another coincidence to be investigated, I’d say.

3.      Bethe using the “photon energy cutoff at electron mass” for Lamb shift calculation—non-relativistic and ignores retardation.  Retardation = finite time due to finite speed of light—no instantaneous interaction.   But same calculation and same result come from not using cutoff, but including retardation time.  

16 September 2014

Abraxas and Cosmo's Factory reconsidered

When I was visiting my friend Pat Calkins in Fayetteville in the spring, he'd recently bought several DVDs.  He had two copies of The Big Lebowski, and after I told him I'd been meaning to have the Pine Bluff library order a copy of that, he gave me one of his copies.  I'd never seen it before (only parts of it) and have watched it several times now and also have discussed it in email with him.   I like it a lot.  Thanks again, PC!

Two of the songs featured in the soundtrack of that movie are on albums that are mentioned in A Serious Man.  I've only seen a few of the Coen brothers' approximately 20 movies, but they seem to throw in fleeting references to previous movies of theirs. And there may be something strange about the way they do it. For instance,  Inside Llewyn Davis, set in 1961, has the anachronism of the movie poster for The Incredible Journey, a 1963 release.  Also, the Coens have their inside jokes, I'm guessing, and the name of that movie, The Incredible Journey, is likely a sort of signal to the audience that maybe there's also something incredible (meaning not credible) about Llewyn Davis's on-screen journey. I already said that in a previous post, probably.

The songs in The Big Lebowski that are on albums mentioned in A Serious Man are "Looking Out My Back Door," on CCR's Cosmo's Factory, and "Oye Como Va" on Santana's Abraxas album.  Cosmo's Factory was released in July 1970 and Abraxas was released in September 1970.  A Serious Man is set in 1967.  At least I now see a reason for the Coen bros to throw in a reference to these two albums.  Songs from them were featured in The Big Lebowski.  That still leaves open the question of why Jimi Hendrix's "Machine Gun," from Band of Gypsys, also released in 1970, is part of the soundtrack of A Serious Man.  Definitely something about the Coen m-m-movies that makes me want to study them like there's something to be figured out, besides the usual unknowns.

12 September 2014

A few late summer 1996 journal entries

8-10-96, 6:22 p.m.  Moving day.  [From one apt. to another in San Marcos.]

To even draw a picture of the relativity of simultaneity thought experiment, you have to “postulate” a   common time, as in Brehm & Mullin Intro to Structure of Matter, p. 9: “These two coordinate systems are shown at two instants of time in Figure 1-3.”

Secondly, the simultaneity of an event—two particles passing in the night [very close to one another] and a flash of light emitted at their closest approach—with a clock reading in more than one relatively moving frame is not a relative matter anyway, so Einstein’s result is not about the existence of a common moment for observers in relative motion.

The question seems to be, then:  What is the relativity of simultaneity really about?  The answer seems to be:  Relative appearance of simultaneity for separated events as viewed by two or more observers in relative motion.  Also: relative motion means none of the observers considers himself or herself to be in motion!  If any did, you’d have runaway relativity—no times to associate uniquely with separated events.

8· 11· 96  In other words, all observers consider themselves to be at rest relative to the speed of light.  This is another way of expressing Einstein’s postulate—which is still a postulate and not an experimentally verified result—that c is a constant.*

Why is it necessary to have a reference frame?  To get unique results—a unique time associated with an event, for one thing.  Generally speaking, it’s a way of imposing order, or an organizing device, as the name implies.

8· 14· 96  :  4111 Ave. F   9 pm
W     E     D     N     E     S                  So the state of rest relative to the ether (AEther) has been
                D      A     Y                      replaced by state of rest relative to speed of light, except   that we now have 

10 am 8/15     no way of determining our velocity relative to speedolight.

9· 6· 96  (1)  Movie: opening scene, students getting off bus with drum beat soundtrack. 
               (2)  Mathematics and Ignorance.  It seems simpler to ignore most of the definitions or assumptions or “let so-and-so” statements that precede most descriptions of mathematical ideas.  But is it possible?  It seems better to introduce something using an analogy or just an example.

Function spaces, for instance.  Chapt. 15 of Speigel Catalogue—oops—I mean Schaum’s Outline on general topology says, with italics put in by me:  Let X and Y be arbitrary sets, and let f(X.Y) denote the collection of all functions from X into Y.  Any subcollection of f(X,Y) with some topology  is called a function space.”

Is called . . . ?  Hello?  Who’s there?  Hamiltonian operator?  Nope, Hilbert space operator (function space = Hilbert space).

What’s needed first is a specific example.  That’s where physics comes in handy.  I think that rules and the need for them should be introduced by trying to solve a particular problem.

*so you say; most people say it is verified