17 October 2011

The Φ in eiΦ

Well, sure, of course, the Φ in e is some kind of angle, and if Φ = 0, then e = 1, and we have the usual state vector for Schrödinger’s Cat.  So in my previous post, I was only wondering what the variable Φ could represent in this particular coherent superposition.  Φ could certainly be time-dependent, resulting in the "delicate phase relation" between the live and dead components being time-dependent.  This could be just a more general expression for the Shroe cat state, for all I know.  I just haven't seen it before and thus am prompted by the movie to check into it.  It could just be another foolin' around on the part of the prone-to-fool-around Coen brothers.  Except they'd have to rely on a knowledgeable physicist to have given them the opportunity.

If Φ = π = 180 degrees, then e = -1.  Live and dead components are "out of phase."  Of course, just as an abstract entity, e= -1 is interesting in its own right.  Right?