31 October 2011

Happy Halloween

One pirate (a teacher who comes to the recycling center regularly) and one Cleopatra (behind the desk at the PB/JC Library).  Also one set of trick-or-treaters, on Martin Avenue, near where my Trulock grandfather courted my grandmother (I walk my dog over there sometimes, a few blocks from my house).  And several well-done Halloween yard displays, including an extensive one on Martin Ave.  That concludes my Halloween Report.

Well, almost...  I was a bit spooked today when someone saw this photo on my bulletin board,

and suggested that the inscription on the back, which I've included above, might indicate this death was a murder by a serial killer (murder #10 in the series).  That never occurred to me!  I hope it's not true!  I earlier discussed finding this photo on the parking lot at the recycling center.  I have not tried to look up obituaries from the Dumas area close to this date yet, but I certainly plan to now.

On a lighter subject, filming for a movie called "Mud" has been going on in the Dumas area this fall.  The movie is being directed by the Arkansas-based director Jeff Nichols, and stars Reese Witherspoon and Matthew McConaughey.  About the time the filming started, the manager of Pine Bluff's little airport, called Grider Field (a pilot training field during WW2), stopped by the recycling center, and I asked him if he'd seen any movie stars.  He said Reese Witherspoon had flown in that previous weekend, but he hadn't been there to see her.

See Walker Percy's novels The Moviegoer and Lancelot for astute comments on movie people and movie stars, and their effects on us normal people.  Also, the lyrics of Thunderclap Newman's "Hollywood #2,"  from that group's only album, Hollywood Dream, produced by Pete Townshend, describe those effects pretty well:  "They're a plastic-made sensation/so big it makes me sick."  Film is, or was until digital took over, a sort of plastic.  And if you're given a chance to talk to a big movie star, doesn't your stomach feel the effect?