02 October 2020

Callen problem 15.1-2


Callen problem 15.1-2:  “A system is composed of two harmonic oscillators of natural frequencies ωo and o . If the system has total energy E = (n + ½)ħωo, where n is an odd integer, what is the entropy of the system?”

As in Problem 15.1-1, the total energy constraint is used to count the total number of microstates. The energies possessed by both oscillators must equal the total energy

(i+½)ħωo  +  (j+½)2ħωo  = (n + ½ )ħωo,

giving the constraint relating the integers i, j, and n

(i+½)  +  (j+½)2  = n + ½

i+½  +  2j+1  = n + ½

i  +  2j  = n – 1

2j  = n – 1 – i

2j = (n – i) – 1.


Since n is odd, i must be even (or zero), so that (n – i) – 1 is even and j is an integer. This relationship is shown in a table:







n – 1

(n  – 1)/2


n – 3

(n – 3)/2



n – 3



n – 1




Comparing this to the first table in Problem 15.1-1, there would be (n – 1) + 1 = n states if we were counting with n = all integers.  But we’re only counting with n = odd integers. So do we just divide n by two? That doesn’t work, since n is odd. But I didn’t see how to avoid that at first, until I realized that counting from zero to n – 1 is one too many states to divide by two to get rid of the n = even numbers. We need instead to count from i = 1 to i = n 1  and divide that by two, then add one state for the i = 0:  


(n – 1) / 2  + 1 = (n – 1 + 2) / 2  = (n + 1) / 2


This is the number of microstates of the system. The entropy is


S = k log [(n+1)/2]

= k log(n+1) – k log 2

= k log(n+1) – 0.693k.


When n = 1, the entropy is zero, as expected, since there’s only one microstate. As n increases, there’s always the constant 0.693k to be subtracted from the increasing entropy.