23 April 2015

Planck's birthday. He'd be 157.

Well, I didn't know it until I looked at the American Association of Physics Teachers calendar on my refrigerator today, but yes, it is Max Carl Ernst Ludwig Planck's birthday!  He's got more middle names than Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac! I wonder who has the record for most middle names?

Yesterday was J. Robert Oppenheimer's birthday, which I already knew but is also noted on the calendar (as is Earth Day).  He'd be 111. Julius is his first name.  He went by Robert, or for some friends, Oppie.  Maxie and Oppie were temperamental opposites.  They died 20 years apart, MCELP in 1947 and JRO in 1967.

Planck won the 1918 Nobel Prize for his work, but Oppenheimer never did work deemed worthy of a Nobel. Of course, Oppenheimer's career took a sharp turn toward technological physics and administration duties during WWII, even though his talent was in theory.  For instance:  "In 1939, working with graduate student Hartland S. Snyder, Oppenheimer discovered a solution of Einstein's equations of general relativity describing the gravitational collapse of a massive star. This solution shows how the star can end its life as a collapsed object. Such objects were later observed and given the name "Black Holes." They are now known to play an important role in the evolution of the universe." From Institute for Advanced Study website.  Black holes, by the way, were named (1960s) long before their presence was observed indirectly (1990s) from the behavior of stars and gas whose orbital motion can only be explained (so far) by an invisible object with a very strong gravitational field.  Observational evidence is now considered to be sufficient to confirm the existence of black holes.

(On second thought, Oppenheimer might have won a Nobel prize for his black hole prediction if he'd lived 10 or so years longer. But maybe not. Hawking's significant work on black holes has not yet resulted in a Nobel for him.  Many people think  he deserves one, and if he does, Oppenheimer and Snyder would have deserved one even more.)

Back to The Planck. One thing to keep in mind about Planck's derivation in 1900 of the correct black-body spectrum formula is that he didn't assume discrete frequencies, he assumed discrete energies, according to the relation E = nhf, where f is not restricted to integers, but because of that little n in there, E is. Because frequencies are not restricted to integers, there is a continuum of frequencies in black-body or thermal radiation emission and absorption. 

Discrete or integer-related frequencies are emitted by isolated atoms, however, as first described theoretically for the hydrogen atom in 1913 by Niels Bohr.

Planck and Bohr were both trying to understand and mathematically describe the physical interactions responsible for already-known electromagnetic spectra. In Planck's case, it was the spectrum of heated solid objects.  In Bohr's case, it was the "line spectrum" of discrete frequencies of light produced by individual hydrogen atoms. They succeeded where others had failed.

Planck in 1900 assumed a quantization of the energy levels in the material (the energy levels of the abstract oscillators of the material).  He did not allow himself to think of light itself as being quantized. Einstein was the first modern physicist to suggest it was necessary to consider light itself to consist of quanta. He made this intellectual leap in 1905, in his theory of how electrons can be ejected from a clean metal surface by ultraviolet light, a process that was already known experimentally as the photoelectric effect.

Bohr's model of the atom also is based on the idea that light itself is emitted and absorbed as electromagnetic quanta.  Bohr showed how discrete energy levels in the atom result from assuming that an electron's orbital angular momentum is quantized and equals integer multiples of Planck's constant h.  He then applied Planck's formula in a new way to calculate how an electron going from one discrete energy level to another would absorb or emit a single frequency of light.

Bohr's model explains the spectrum of isolated hydrogen atoms, such as atoms in a gas discharge tube, where energy levels, and thus the frequencies of light seen in emission and absorption, are widely spaced.  Planck's model applies to solids (or even near-solids such as molten metal), where atoms are packed together, meaning their collective energy levels are packed together. Arising from transitions between these slightly separated energy levels, the frequencies of emission and absorption of light are "packed together" also, giving a continuous spectrum. Graphs of this spectrum for different black-body temperatures can be seen in the next-to-last link in my previous post. You see light--mainly reflected from your surroundings--with this type of spectrum when you're in sunlight or in a room lit by an incandescent bulb. An electric heating element on a stove also produces this type of spectrum. (By the way, how hot do these get?)

My next post will discuss the equivalence of black-body radiation to radiation inside a certain kind of enclosure or "cavity".

13 April 2015

The curves of thermal radiation

Thermal radiation is another name for blackbody radiation.  Both terms refer to the emission of light and other non-ionizing radiation from a heated object based solely on the object's temperature.  So sometimes it's also called "temperature radiation."  Also, we're not concerned with the perfect blackbody here, except as a standard for comparision.

So, how else does light get produced other than the heat-it-till-it-glows method? Well, there's fluorescence,  the process that goes on inside a fluorescent bulb, where ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by an atom and visible light is emitted. Fluorescent lights use high voltage to stimulate mercury atoms to emit ultraviolet photons which hit the visible-light emitting phosphor coating on the inside of the tube.  (A related, delayed type of light emission is called phosphorescence.)  LEDs emit light by electroluminescence, where the "bandgap" energy in a semiconductor connected to a DC voltage is turned into light. And then there's the chemiluminescence of fireflies and green-light glow-in-the-dark thingies, but you can click the link to read about that.

For thermal radiation to be visible, the heated body must be hot enough to produce light in the visible spectrum (390 to 700 nanometers, violet wavelength to red wavelength).  Incandescent light bulbs are one example of that, producing light by being heated by an electric current to temperatures around 4500° F.  Stars, including our Sun, are also examples, with surface temperatures in the range of  10,000° F.  But thermal radiation is emitted by any object that's not at absolute zero of temperature--so all objects emit thermal radiation, mostly at very long wavelengths. The Earth, for instance, emits thermal radiation in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum , which goes from 750 nanometers on up to about a million nanometers, or one millimeter. This emission is due to Earth's own internal heat, and from light it absorbs from the sun and re-emits as heat. Our bodies also emit thermal radiation in the infrared region. Our average power output is about 100 watts, another way of saying 2,065 Calories/day.  We are visible not because of radiation we emit but because, like the things around us, we reflect most of the visible light hitting us. This is called diffuse reflection rather than mirror-type (specular) reflection.

The hotter an object is, the shorter the wavelengths of light emitted by the object. (Shorter wavelength means higher frequency.) The webpage I just linked to shows the blackbody curves (spectra) of energy emitted versus wavelength. Optical pyrometers use this spectral relationship--the relationship Max Planck explained by assuming quantized emission of thermal radiation--to measure the temperatures of hot objects such as molten steel.

An aside: Lighting techniques in stage lighting and photography make use of something called "color temperature," which uses the idea of thermal or blackbody radiation as a reference standard, although it associates "warm" colors with what are actually cool objects and "cool" colors with what are actually hot objects.