12 December 2014

Illuminating quantum vacuum quotes

Quote One

What is the physical significance of these vacuum-state expectation values ... ?  One thing they indicate is that the electromagnetic vacuum is a stationary state of the field with statistical fluctuations of the electric and magnetic fields.  As far as measurements are concerned, however, it is often argued that the entire universe is evidently bathed in a zero-point electromagnetic field, which can add only some constant amount to [non-vacuum] expectation values … .  Physical measurements will therefore reveal only deviations from the vacuum state.    This is especially reasonable in the case of the field Hamiltonian [an “operator” representing the total energy of the field], since the zero-point term merely adds a constant energy which can be eliminated by a simple redefinition of the zero of energy.  Moreover, this constant energy in the Hamiltonian obviously commutes with a and a [the annihilation and creation operators for photons] and so cannot have any effect on the quantum dynamics described by the Heisenberg equations of motion.         
So the argument goes.  However, things are not quite that simple, for in general relativity the zero of energy is not arbitrary.  Furthermore we shall see that it is possible to attribute measurable effects, such as the Casimir force and the Lamb shift, to changes in zero-point energy.  And finally, as discussed in Section 2.6, the zero-point field is not eliminated by dropping its energy from the Hamiltonian.

--Peter Milonni, The Quantum Vacuum (1994), from Section 2.4, titled “Quantization of a Field Mode.”

Quote Two

This energy may be attributed to unavoidable fluctuations in the electromagnetic field. … it is not possible for the vector potential at any point in space to vanish (or take any definite fixed value) for a finite time interval; if the field vanishes at one moment, then its rate of change at that moment cannot take any definite value, including zero.  The energy density has no effect in ordinary laboratory experiments, as it inheres in space itself and space cannot normally be  created or destroyed, but it does affect gravitation, and hence influences the expansion of the universe and the formation of large bodies like galaxy clusters.  Needless to say, an infinite result is not allowed by observation.  Even if we cut off the integral at the highest wave number probed in laboratory experiments, say 1015 cm-1, the result is larger than allowed by observation by a factor roughly 1056.  The energy due to fluctuations in the electromagnetic field and other bosonic fields can be cancelled by the negative energy of the fluctuations in fermionic fields, but we know of no reason why this cancellation should be exact, or even precise enough to bring the vacuum energy down to a value in line with observation.  Since E0/Ω [the vacuum energy density] was known to be vastly smaller than the value estimated from vacuum fluctuations at accessible scales, for decades most physicists who thought at all about this problem simply assumed that some fundamental principle would be discovered that imposes on any theory the condition that makes E0/Ω vanish.  This possibility was ruled out by the discovery in 1998 that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, in a way that indicates a value of E0/Ω about three times larger than the energy density in matter.  This remains a fundamental problem for modern physics, but can be ignored as long as we do not deal with effects of gravitation.

--Steven Weinberg, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics (2013),  from Section 11.6, titled “Photons.”

A “photon,” by the way, is the same thing as the “quantization of a field mode” in QED (Quantum ElectroDynamics).  Our final illuminating quote compares photons with phonons, which result from quantizing the acoustical field modes in a solid. "Modes" means "normal modes," normally. See the last few paragraphs of my November 19 postThe theory of the acoustic and electronic behavior of electrons and atoms in solids is known as condensed matter physics or solid state physics.  In contrast to the vacuum, interactions in a solid take place in a medium: the atoms and fields of the material. Which leads us up to quote three ...  –DT

Quote Three

In QED there is, apparently, no medium to provide the interactions which, for the electron in a solid, alter its effective charge.  In relativistic quantum mechanics, however, the remarkable possibility exists of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum.  The process we are considering [an electron interacting with a muon, both of which are leptons] is a typical example of such a vacuum fluctuation.  The photon exchanged between the two leptons can create, from the vacuum, a virtual electron-positron pair.  This pair has only a fleeting existence; it lives on borrowed time, in the sense that the energy necessary to call it into existence, ΔE ≈ 2mc2, is only available for a time of order Δt ≈ ħ/2mc2  (we are using the so-called ‘energy-time uncertainty relation,’ which states that there is a spread ΔE in the energy of a quantum system given by ΔE ≥ ħ/Δt, where Δt is the time over which the system’s energy is measured; over short times quite large energy fluctuations are possible).  In relativistic quantum mechanics, therefore, we must beware of thinking of the vacuum, too naively, as being ‘nothing’.  Even when a particle is supposedly free and propagating in the vacuum, the parameters describing it (such as the charge) are changed, from the values appearing in the original one-particle Hamiltonian, to ones which include the effect of its interactions with the virtual particles produced from the vacuum.

--I. J. R. Aitchison and A. J. G. Hey, Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, 2nd ed. (1989), from Section 6.10, titled “Higher-order calculations: renormalization and tests of QED.”