25 February 2012

Another Drake's Landing photo from Sports Illustrated

This is my uncle and my father in another ducking hunting photo that appeared in the January 14, 1957 issue of Sports Illustrated.  I already posted a different photo and the text of the section of the article about Drake's Landing.  The photos would have been taken when the writer of the article, Virginia Kraft, and the photographer, whose name I haven't found yet, visited the camp in December 1956. "The camp" or "the duck camp" were our family's shorthand terms for Drake's Landing.  We went to the camp when I was a kid more often for fishing in the warm months than for duck hunting during duck season. But duck hunting was the big deal and the only kind of hunting we did, except for my forays into the woods to try to shoot squirrels with a .22 rifle.  Never did shoot one, but I was not patient enough (or serious enough about it) to just sit and wait, and didn't have a trained dog to help me.  So I've never skinned or gutted a squirrel.  Or anything else for that matter, except for filleting or scaling and gutting fish.  We had help at the camp who de-feathered and gutted the dead ducks we brought in.  I haven't hunted ducks in many years, but that could change.  Same with squirrel, deer, rabbits.  Especially since I'm a part-time country boy nowadays.