03 December 2011

4 Trulocks, 3 generations

Thanks to my brother Greg for copying this photo and giving it as a Christmas present last year to the four of us other brothers:

The date scrawled at the bottom is December 18, 1943, one day after my father's 22nd birthday. The men are, from left, my uncle Leo Andrews Trulock, my father Walter Nichols Trulock III, grandfather Walter Jr, and great-grandfather Walter Sr.  Daddy was serving in the Navy at this time, so he must have been home on leave.  In his short and very incomplete memoir (a total of nine single-spaced pages), he describes coming home on leave in 1943 after his first combat mission on the destroyer called the Laub, but that would have been a month or two earlier than this trip.  The photo was taken at Drake's Landing, a duck hunting club near Dewitt, Arkansas.  The clubhouse, with kitchen and living room (with a fireplace of course) and sleeping rooms wasn't built until 1953.  They used tents up until then.  The club was formed in the 1920s, with my great-grandfather as one of the nine original members.  There are still just nine members, my brother Greg among them.