14 March 2011

Alberto V.O. Einstein

It's big Al's birthday, his 132nd.  He wasn't actually that big if the wax figure of him at Madame Tussuad's Wax Museum in London is anatomically correct.  He wasn't that tall I mean.  Penis-wise, well, I don't think his size is in the historical record.  Perhaps one of the numerous women he "slept" with commented on that in her diary.  He wasn't prone to be celibate, nor was he prone to be a faithful husband, but his second wife (who was also a first cousin of his) could live with that.  His first wife, well they were real hot together at first, sorta like in that Steely Dan song "Haitian Divorce" ('so in love/the preacher's face turned red'), but they later drove each other crazy and had the same kind of troubles as separated or divorced people have these days--with money, visitation rights of the kids, demands made on each other. 

Anyway, regarding Uncle Albert's height, in May 1996, my girlfriend at the time took my photo in London (she paid for the trip, God bless her; it was a lot of fun) standing next to Einstein's waxen figure, and at 5' 6" I was slightly taller than Dr. Einstein, whose wax figure looks more like Walter Matthau's Einstein than the real Einstein.*

Here's a recent news release about him, then I gotta get outta this library in Pine Bluff, as closin' time is upon us:

Einstein’s archives to go online

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- More than 80,000 of Albert Einstein's documents will go online in the coming months.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced Monday, on what would have been Einstein's 132nd birthday, that it has begun a yearlong project to digitize the documents and make them available on the Albert Einstein Archives website.

The project is being underwritten with a $500,000 grant from the Polonsky Foundation of London.

The Jewish scientist was a founder of Hebrew University in 1918 and sat on its first board of governors. In his will Einstein, who died in 1955, stipulated that his archives go to the university. Along with documents on physics, the archive includes his thoughts on politics and society.
*actually he was taller than I am, according to most sources: 5' 9" (or in non-USA units, 175 centimeters).