18 June 2017

Leave it to beaver

On second thought, anybody who's needed to get a cat into a pet carrier knows the unlikelihood of a cat going to sleep inside a darkened box.  Not to mention the unlikelihood of even getting the cat in the box.  The cat would more probably knock over the intended experimental equipment and yowl until you let him or her out.  And who could blame 'em?  Was old uncle Erwin--old (40s) compared to Heisenberg and Dirac (20s)--making a subtle joke by suggesting doing the experiment with a cat?  Was he thinking that since the mouse is usually the poor creature who gets inhumanely put in a humanly concocted experiment that he'd use it's opposite, a cat?  Or was there a cat asleep on his desk when he thought up the experiment?

Whatever the case may be, the next 1967 calendar animal I put words in the mouth of was a beaver:

No, I wasn't very good at spelling as a 12 and 13 year old kid.   I got better.