28 January 2014

Last 2013 journal entries: Order, disorder, symmetry

Dec. 19th, damn near 20th (11:55 p.m.).  Bed.

Long range order.  What is it?  Kitaigorodsky says on p. 47 of Order and Disorder in the World of Atoms, "This term can rightfully be applied to the arrangement of atoms in a crystal.” He also says, as the reason for this crystalline property, “along the directions of axes of the cell, similar atoms will be found at strictly equal distances hundreds and thousands of times.”  I put that comma in there myself.  But I do like K’s writing and would like to own a better—not falling apart—copy of the book.

I want to look at this idea in relation to the idea of symmetry.  Long range order implies a lack of symmetry.  This idea has been bugging me since I don’t know when.  Nineteen-ninety-four or a little earlier.  Long range disorder implies, as I understand it, perfect symmetry.  In other words, rotational and translational invariance.  Or, in other other words, isotropy and homogeneity.  I don’t like this idea of symmetry.  I like to think of symmetry as having to do with orderly structure, not just nothingness!  Well, one more thought: look into order, noncommutativity, and addition (summing).

6:15 p.m.  December 22.  Also, to continue the discussion above, I need to order another copy of Kitaigorodsky’s book.  Mine has fallen to pieces (it’s an old paperback, old meaning printed in 1980, although I have had it probably only since the mid-nineties.)

Thought number two:  I’ve really gotten habitual with writing the time of my journal entries.  I’m not sure I even like that.

Number three:  Oppenheimer had such great promise as a theoretical physicist, but he failed.  Why?  As Crease & Mann see it, he had no personal feeling in him for where he wanted physics to go.  He was not “his own man” is one way they describe Oppenheimer’s failure to do great things in physics.  He was clever, subtle, but in the end a physics failure.  (I’m using some applicable words from the classroom dream scene in A Serious Man.)

I view quantum field theory in exactly that way.  Gauge invariance, virtual particles, and . . . well, I’m not sure what all I’m thinking of that I don’t like, oh, yeh, the application of perturbation theory and of renormalization—these are all like Oppenheimer himself.  Cleverness to the nth power, precocious, lacking in a clear philosophical view of what physics should be.  Now, like Oppenheimer in the 1930s, QFT and the Standard Model are having their field day.  In spite of the Higgs discovery—an amazing effort and accomplishment—I believe this field day of the Standard Model will also pass.  I think it will be replaced by something much simpler and better that puts it to shame by explaining all the current experimental high-energy data and also the electron, proton and neutron charges and masses.

1:55 a.m.  (I will keep writing down the time. Seems significant that I'm awake at 2 a.m., doesn't it?)  The day after Christmas.  "The Effervescence of the Vacuum" seems like it should be a term to describe some of the observed effects now attributed to virtual particles.

8:10 p.m.  Sunday Dec. 29.  The “law of conservation of electric charge, which is exact” (p. 194 Crease & Mann) is something I would like to now discuss.  The charge could change subtly in some situations, but may be unmeasurable in these situations.  This is in fact like symmetry:  the changes are unobservable.  E. g., changes in electromagnetic potentials are such that electromagnetic fields are not changed.

Can we also have, then, changes in electric charge of electron and proton such that the electromagnetic field is not observably different?  Huh.  Far-fetched, Frank.

Also, here’s an old thought scribbled on a piece of paper I’m now transcribing into this notebook:  “What was the thing about time I was thinking this morning?  About t = 0 in this diagram?  [Upside down T, with t = 0 at the intersection point.]   And how it should be used in the usual Einstein rest frame Lorentz transformation?  More to it!  I’ll remember it later.  Had some other inchoate thought before that.  Also:  shoot the monkey and the question of the relativity of simultaneity.”

05 January 2014

Physics Today: Higgs as portal to the dark sector?

Abstract from a recent research paper:  We investigate dark matter (DM) in the context of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (MSSM). We scan through the MSSM parameter space and search for solutions that (a) are consistent with the Higgs discovery and other collider searches; (b) satisfy the flavor constraints from B physics; (c) give a DM candidate with the correct thermal relic density; and (d) are allowed by the DM direct detection experiments. For the surviving models with our parameter scan, we find the following features: (1) The DM candidate is largely a Bino-like neutralino with non-zero but less than 20% Wino and Higgsino fractions; (2) The relic density requirement clearly pins down the solutions from the Z and Higgs resonances (Z;h;H;A funnels) and co-annihilations; (3) Future direct search experiments will likely fully cover the Z;h funnel regions, and H;A funnel regions as well except for the "blind spots"; (4) Future indirect search experiments will be more sensitive to the CP-odd Higgs exchange due to its s-wave nature; (5) The branching fraction for the SM-like Higgs decay to DM can be as high as 10%, while those from heavier Higgs decays to neutralinos and charginos can be as high as 20%. We show that collider searches provide valuable information complementary to what may be obtained from direct detections and astroparticle observations. In particular, the Z - and h-funnels with a predicted low LSP mass should be accessible at future colliders. Overall, the Higgs bosons may play an essential role as the portal to the dark sector. 

(Let's hope physics tomorrow is somehow simpler and less nutty than physics today.  That's what I'm working on anyway.)